Cairo 2.0

Hacking & Development


The first comprehensive all-in-one
Cairo 2.0 Development & Security course.

By JohnnyTime

Become a
one-of-a-kind auditor

Secure Starknet dApps
& perform Cairo Audits


Cairo audit opportunities


a growing ecosystem


your knowledge & potential


unique expertise

Take it from them


Successful students of the Smart Contract Hacking course...

  • Secured jobs & internships in top companies in Web3 security.

  • Became fully-booked freelance auditors.

  • Created and developed a personal brand in the Web3 community.

  • Became content creators in the Web3 space.

...and here is what they have to say 👇 📣

Enroll Now

Get your exclusive DISCOUNT

Pre-Launch Price 🔥

$499 $449

claim your $50 discount now

    Before The Price Goes Up

    Once we have received and manually verified your transaction, you will get a purchase confirmation email within 2-3 business days.

    The following offer is discounted and is only available for the aforementioned period. By taking advantage of the offer, you confirm you understand the course will become available in September 2024.

    By purchasing the course, you agree to the Terms of Service and acknowledge the Privacy Policy.


    • When is the course coming?

    The course will be released in September 2024.

    • I would like to know a bit more about the course outline, contents and the format.

    The course consists of two parts.Part one is the Cairo crash course, designed to take you from zero knowledge about Starknet and Cairo to proficiency with the programming language. By the end of this part, you'll be able to write and read Cairo Smart Contracts. We'll also cover ERC20 and ERC721 tokens, as well as common DeFi protocols on Starknet.In the second part of the course, which is Cairo Hacking, we'll learn more about the common attack vectors in Cairo smart contracts.We believe in a hands-on approach, and that's why every chapter of the course is very practical. This ensures that you will master all the concepts and attack vectors through real scenarios.Check the complete course outline here.

    • What are the prerequisites for the course?

    Basic Blockchain and Ethereum Knowledge:
    Understanding blockchain technology: decentralization, consensus mechanisms, nodes, blocks, transactions, and ledgers.
    Ethereum fundamentals: smart contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), gas fees, dApps, and ERC20 & ERC721 token standards.
    Basic Programming Skills:
    Fundamental programming concepts: variables, data types, if statements, loops, and functions.
    Experience with any programming language (e.g., Python, JavaScript, C++, etc.).
    Basic Development Environment:
    Familiarity with using IDEs or code editors, version control systems (like Git), and command-line interfaces.
    Recommended Additional Knowledge (Optional but Helpful)
    Smart Contract Basics:
    Awareness of smart contracts and their function within Ethereum.
    Basic understanding of Solidity (not mandatory but beneficial).

    • Can I pay by card?

    Sure! You can submit your payment through Stripe and PayPal.

    • Is there any communication channel/community only for the students of the course?

    We designed a closed Discord community exclusively for our students to support them as they move through the materials of the course and interact with each other and with the creators of the course!
    This community will provide the participants with a platform to connect with fellow students, discuss course topics, ask questions, and share their experiences.

    • Is the course completely self-paced?

    All of the course materials (lectures and exercises) are pre-recorded, so you can conveniently move through the content of the course at your own pace. Live sessions will also be included in the form of Q&As to have all of the remaining questions answered and connect you to other professionals in the field.There will be more information about the live sessions coming up in announcements, so make sure to stay tuned on social media:- Twitter
    - LinkedIn

    • How will I receive course materials?

    The course will be delivered to you on a specially designed educational platform, and you will have access to the lectures indefinitely. Apart from that, you will be getting two repositories: with the exercises and the solutions to them.

    • Will the course materials be updated to cover the developments in the industry?

    Surely, we constantly aim to improve the course and the materials to go in line with the industry developments. That said, new lectures will be added to the course, and once you enroll, you will further have access to all the new lectures as well.

    • Do I have lifetime access to the course materials?

    Once you have purchased the course, you will have lifetime access to all of the materials.

    • How long will it take me to complete the course?

    Full completion of the course material would depend on the speed of material consumption and on the time allocated by you daily. It is estimated you should be able to complete all the materials of the course in 4 months.

    • How much time should I allocate for course completion daily?

    If you like to see your to-do list full of checks and would like to get to looking for your dream position the soonest, by allocating 4-5 hours per workday, you are estimated to complete the course in 1 - 2 months.If you prefer to consume the material in a more paced tempo, feel free to spend 2-3 hours consuming the material, meaning you would finalize it in 3 - 4 months.

    • What will be my expertise upon course completion?

    Upon completion of the course, your expertise will include:- Layer 2 blockchains
    - The Starknet blockchain and ecosystem
    - Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs and ZK rollups
    - Proficiency in the Cairo programming language
    - Reading and writing Cairo Smart Contracts
    - Testing and deploying contracts to Starknet using the Starknet Foundry Framework
    - Integrating with OpenZeppelin contracts on Starknet
    - Deploying and interacting with ERC20 and ERC721 tokens on Starknet
    - Cairo smart contract hacking, including the following attack vectors and more:
    * Reentrancy attacks
    * Access control
    * Logical attacks
    * Cryptographic attacks
    * Denial of service attacks

    • What are my work/freelance/career perspectives once I complete the course?

    Obtaining a deep understanding of the concepts covered in the course will significantly increase your chances of getting a job as a Cairo Smart Contract Auditor or Developer.While we do not guarantee an employment spot upon completion, thoroughly going through the course materials will largely boost your skills to make a leap in the industry.

    Any remaining questions?

    Have questions?

    Leave them over here, and we will get back to you in no time 👇



    Web3 Security Researcher @ Nethermind


    Penetration Tester & SCH Graduate


    Experienced Cairo Developer

    Crypto Payments

    Total Price:
    $449 instead of $499
    Supported EVM Chains:
    Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avalance, Arbitrum, Optimism
    Supported STABLE Coins:
    Supported NATIVE Coins:
    Please complete the transaction as per the exchange rate on Coingecko at the time of the transfer.

    How to pay?

    Step 2:
    In order for us to manually verify your transaction,
    fill and submit this form:

    Crypto Payments

    Total Price:
    $449 instead of $499
    Supported EVM Chains:
    Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avalance, Arbitrum, Optimism
    Supported STABLE Coins:
    Supported NATIVE Coins:
    Please complete the transaction as per the exchange rate on Coingecko at the time of the transfer.

    How to pay?

    Step 1:Send your payment to the following address:
    Step 2:
    In order for us to manually verify your transaction,
    fill and submit this form:

    Terms of Service

    The course sale offer is a limited-time promotion that allows customers to purchase a course at a discount in advance of the course's publication date. The course is scheduled to be live in September 2024.

    The Early Bird course offer is only available to customers who purchase the course within the specified promotion period.

    By purchasing the course offered, the customer acknowledges that they are purchasing a course that is not yet available and that the course materials will not be provided until the course goes live in September 2024.

    The course offer is non-refundable unless the course is not delivered within two months of the originally scheduled publication date. In that case, the customer is eligible for a full refund of the purchase price.

    The course offer is not transferable and may not be resold.

    By purchasing the course, the customer agrees to the terms of service outlined above.

    These terms of service are subject to change at any time, and the customer must review them regularly.

    Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Cairo Smart Contract Hacking (the “Course”) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “Student”) of the Course. This Privacy Policy applies to the Course and all related materials offered by the Course.Personal identification informationWe may collect personal identification information from Students in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Students enroll in the Course, subscribe to a newsletter, and in connection with other activities, services, features, or resources we make available in the Course. Students may visit the Course anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Students only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Students can refuse to supply personal identification information but doing so may prevent them from engaging in certain Course-related activities.How we use collected informationThe Course may collect and use Students’ personal identification information for the following purposes:- To improve customer service
    Information you provide helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently.
    - To personalize user experience
    We may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Students as a group use the services and resources provided in the Course.
    - To send periodic emails
    We may use Student email addresses to send Students information and updates pertaining to the Course. Student email addresses may also be used to respond to Student inquiries, questions or other requests.
    Sharing your personal informationWe do not sell, trade, or rent Student personal identification information to others.Third party websitesStudent may find advertising or other content in our Course that link to the websites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. We do not control the content or links that appear on these websites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Course. In addition, these websites or services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These websites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites which have a link to our Course, is subject to that website's own terms and policies.Changes to this Privacy PolicyThe Course has the discretion to update this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage Students to frequently check this page for any changes. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically and become aware of modifications.Your acceptance of these termsBy enrolling in the Course, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not enroll in the Course. Your continued enrollment in the Course following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

    Thank you!

    Please expect a reply within 2-3 business days.

    If you got here on a weekend, not to worry - we will get back to you on the closest business day :)

    Will be Revealed Soon 👀

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    • Get exclusive Cairo audit opportunities with very few auditors in the industry who have this language in their skillset.

    • Get behind a growing ecosystem StarknetTVL is growing.

    • Maximize your knowledge & potential by learning both development AND security at once.

    • Gain more unique expertise from the creator of the famous Smart Contract Hacking course.